We didn’t come here to lose

Dr. Sutton has been the invited keynote speaker at over 20 colleges, high schools and community events. His method to motivate individuals, specifically students has helped to change the lives of many who thought they couldn’t do great things. Despite being...

Tears won’t change the score

Since starting the MDI Prep in 2009 I have seen my share of student victories, but I have also seen some defeats. The hardest part about exam prep is consoling and rejuvenating the student that has failed their exam. Last year for some odd reason we had three students...

Mastering the Multiple Choice exam

One of the things that strikes fear into the young and old is the dreaded multiple-choice exam. More often than not test takers have struggled with eliminating answers, random guessing or simply trying to make sense of what the question is asking. For over 10 years we...